A company, who have been established for ten years, provide the total supply for the perfect washroom.  Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd, based in South London have worked hard to deliver service, quality, value and reliability as its company ethos and believes this proves a refreshing approach in an industry that can sometimes lack customer care.

Trends show workplace washrooms are a serious business and can make or break and organisation. Good washroom facilities enhance the corporate image and contribute to both staff morale and productivity.

Futures Supplies are independent distributors of washroom, janitorial and associated products. Total supply for washrooms, providing a free washroom survey, free on loan dispensers and supplying a large portfolio of washroom cleaning products ranging from toilet cleaner and cleaning cloths to floor polish and mop heads along with hand towels, toilet tissue and hand soap and not forgetting those all important air fresheners.

Managing Director, Mandie Kemp comments “we have a well-trained and motivated team of staff who provide a professional service appreciating our clients’ individual needs. We recommend the best product, whatever the environment, including leading manufacturers’ brands and are always happy to go the extra mile to meet customer expectations.  Our prices are competitive and cost effective and we offer the ‘best cost in use’ solutions across our ever-expanding product range.”

The company is BS EN ISO 9001:2000 accredited in line with its ethos of providing products and service of the highest standard.  It is a member of the CHSA and British Institute of Cleaning Science whilst achieving Distributor Service Excellence awards consistently since 1997.  


South London based supplier of washroom and cleaning products, Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd have once again been recognised for its service excellence by the Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association’s National Service Excellence awards.

The CHSA Service Excellence awards dinner was held on 21st October 2004 at Eastwood Hall in Nottingham and Futures Supplies were delighted to receive an award.

The Distributor Service Excellence Survey is not a competition but an opportunity for companies to gain a valuable insight into how their business is viewed by it’s customers as well as a benchmarking the company’s service performance against the industry as a whole. Not all participating companies gain accreditation only those whose performance is above the set criteria.

“We are delighted to have achieved this accolade and we hope it will illustrate to our customers our continued commitment to our service performance as well as an opportunity to gain invaluable insight into how our service performance stacks up against the industry as a whole.” said Operations Manager Daniel Hills.

Run by the Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association, and sponsored by Kimberly Clark, Johnson Diversey Proctor & Gamble and CHT the awards take place every two years.  An independent market research company surveyed around 3000 customers. Areas covered included customer service, ordering, support and delivery times and scoring ranged from 10 excellent to 1 very poor.

‘We are delighted to have once more gained recognition for our service particularly as this is awarded by our customers.  We pride ourselves on always being happy to go the extra mile to meet our customer expectations’, says Daniel Hills, Operations Manager.

Futures Supplies are independent distributors of washroom, janitorial and associated products supply offices, contract cleaning companies and leisure centres. They have worked hard to deliver service, quality, value and reliability as their ethos and this they believe has attributed to their success in receiving service excellence awards consistently sine 1997.

You can email info@futures-supplies.co.uk for more information


Business is not just about making the bottom line but caring for the community, the people we work with and for us. Putting something back into the community and investing in future generations makes common sense.

Futures Supplies & Support Services is actively involved in its local Corporate Social Responsibility project ‘The Croydon Commitment’. The group is self-funded and aims to effectively tackle community issues and are working together to improve their environment, social and economic impact in the local community.

Over the coming year Futures Supplies look to address ‘The Croydon Strategic Partnership’ key renewal themes of environment, education, crime, regeneration health and access.

Managing Director Mandie Kemp said, “We truly believe in the positive impact of business and community partnerships. Attention to the wider community brings real long-term business benefits and demonstrates our commitment to the environment as a whole.

Futures Supplies initial project is with Croydon’s Social Services ‘Employability Project’ which was set up in 2003 and looks after over 700 children and young people who cannot be cared for by there own families.

75% of care leavers have no qualifications, 50% are unemployed and 20% are homeless within two years of leaving the system

Mandie said, “We look to provide work placements for up to 12 weeks. This is especially important, as many will have often experienced significant disadvantages and disruption and will or have recently left care homes.

Futures Supplies hope to provide an opportunity for the young people to experience life in the work place, give them a work history whilst overcoming their barriers. It gives young people a chance in life that they might otherwise not have”.

Danielle Sinclair who is 17 recently left foster care and is now living in shared supported accommodation joined Futures in September. “With no qualification or experience in the workplace job opportunities are minimal. This training at Futures Supplies will give me the opportunity and confidence to gain permanent employment “.

Futures Supplies & Support Services who supply washroom, janitorial and cleaning products are currently celebrating ten years in business and are delighted to put something back into the community.


On Thursday 11th November at a ceremony held by Croydon Council, Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd were recognised for their involvement in the environment and local community. Futures Supplies who supply washroom and janitorial products was one of only three companies in the borough to have achieved both a Silver and Bronze Envibe Award.

Envibe, which is co-ordinated by Croydon Council and government financed only recently launched and at the event in Croydon, Futures were also recognised as achieving high recycling accolades for being a small business at the ceremony in Croydon.

Already successful in achieving a Bronze Award, Managing Director of Futures Supplies Mandie Kemp said, “I am delighted that our commitment to the wider environment has been acknowledged with the Silver Envibe award for Environmental Excellence.”

UK is fast running out of landfill site and continues to create rubbish at an unsustainable rate. London alone consumes the resources of a land the size of Spain with around 90% of the City’s waste going to landfill or incinerators.

The average office worker uses about 2.5 trees a year in paper and this figure is increasing annually despite the paperless office myth.

Every ton of paper recycled can create savings of 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 4 megawatts of energy and 7,000 gallons of water.

Futures Supplies, based in South London want to help in tackling the growing problem and as well as promoting environmental awareness at home amongst the staff they are actively encouraging customers and suppliers to adopt and implement better environmental practices.

“Good environmental practice is common sense and more about a responsible way of thinking than imposing a new set of rules and regulations. Our environmental policy and management system lets our customers know we are a forward thinking company and are illustrating a commitment that is measurable, auditable and sustainable’ say Mandie.”

By making a few simple changes such as printing and photocopying on both sides of paper, recycling ink cartridges for charity, using recycled paper and waterless printing techniques on sales literature all add up not just with energy saving and reducing the impact of business on the environment but because all these actions cut costs too it means they are good for business as well as the planet.

Futures Supplies are now working towards the prestigious Gold Envibe award.



Andrew Hills, of washroom and janitorial supplies company, Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd is going back to college to qualify for an AAT NVQ Level 2 in Accounting.

The course, which provides a recognised Accounting qualification, is in three stages and Andrew will attempt to acquire all three accreditations to enable him to become a member of the Association of Accounting Technicians.

Andrew, who is currently Office Supervisor at Futures Supplies says,”I have always had an interest in Accounting and am keen to enhance my current knowledge by gaining a qualification.  I feel that I can add a new dimension and give more to my current role at Futures Supplies by learning new accounting procedures.”

Futures Supplies’ Managing Director, Mandie Kemp says, ”We are happy to provide funding for course fees, examination fees, books and flexible hours to enable Andrew to pursue the AAT foundation course.”


South London based Company, Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd who supply washroom and associated janitorial products, has been ranked first in the ‘Top 50 – Efficiency Index’ of the Plimsoll Portfolio Analysis – Janitorial Supplies (Third Edition 2004), published by Plimsoll Publishing Ltd.

Data is collected by Plimsoll Publishing Ltd and companies are analysed individually using the Plimsoll model, enabling companies to benchmark themselves against others in their industry.

“We are proud to be ranked first in the janitorial supplies industry efficiency index,” says Managing Director, Mandie Kemp. “Our ethos is to deliver service, quality, value and reliability through the efficiency and dedication of our staff who pride themselves on ensuring that the customer always comes first.”


As part of its 10th year celebrations, the team at Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd were treated to an evening out at Epsom races by Managing Director, Mandie Kemp.

On Thursday 8th July, the day after the gales hit South London, staff from the company which distributes washroom, janitorial and associated cleaning products were whisked away by coach to Epsom for an evening of racing and to see an 80’s tribute band.

The night got off to a good start when the rain stopped and sales rep Tracey Holden’s choice of horse on the first race, “man at the gate” won. Throughout the evening, there was a huge amount of studying the horses, trainers and jockeys in detail.  There were no major wins, although some were suspected of keeping their wins quiet!

Despite the weather, all had a good time and staff rocked their socks off to the 80’s tribute band until the end of the evening!


Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd, set up by an Entrepreneur from her front room, is now celebrating ten years in business.

Mandie Kemp, who has notched up over twenty years in the janitorial industry, is a highly driven and motivated woman who set up the company which distributes washroom, janitorial and associated cleaning products.  Futures Supplies, originally based in Whyteleafe, Surrey relocated five years ago to larger premises on the Purley Way in Croydon, Surrey to support its expansion and better serve its rapidly expanding client base.

During the past ten years, Futures Supplies has achieved annual sales in excess of £1.6 million. Growing from strength to strength, the company currently operates a fleet of four vans, employs ten people and is BS EN ISO 9001:2000, accredited in line with its ethos of providing products and service of the highest standard.

Mandie Kemp, who sat on the council of the Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association, prides the company on its customer service, reliability, value and quality. This has been reflected in achieving Distributor Service Excellence awards consistently since 1997.  Futures Supplies is also a member of the London Chamber of Commerce and British Institute of Cleaning Science.


“Futures is a forward thinking company constantly looking at innovation, strategies and different approaches to enhance both the business and service provided to its customers.” says Mandie Kemp. 


Mandie believes the continuing success of the business is due to a well trained motivated team and whilst Futures aims at all times to be competitive, it never forgets its customers’ needs for continuity, the added value of a next day delivery service and a one-stop shop facility.


The company is proactive in its approach to the environment and is always looking at ways to put something back into the local community.


Mandie Kemp, Managing Director, of Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd has had much to celebrate over the past 12 months.

Futures Supplies, an independent distributor of washroom and associated products established just over three years ago provide the benefit of ‘one-stop’ purchasing – just one telephone call and all your washroom products, from any manufacturer can be sourced.

In 1997 Futures Supplies was awarded certification to ISO 9002 and since then has gone from strength to strength.  At the end of 1997, the company was awarded the prestigious ‘Distributor Service Excellence Award’, a National Award sponsored by the Cleaning & Hygiene Services Association where Futures Supplies finished in the top ‘Outstanding’ category

Mandie Kemp’s contribution to the industry has also been personally recognised as a finalist in this years Cosmopolitan Magazine ‘Women of Achievement’ awards and last month she become the first woman to be voted onto the council of the CHSA.

So what makes Futures Supplies so good?  Managing Director, Mandie, ensures the company operates good working practices, which include running its own fleet of vans to make sure every customer receives the right products at the right time and staff are fully trained and motivated, giving 100% excellent service.


Is it by the amount of money you make? Is it the awards you win? Is it by the recognition of others? Is it on how well your staff progress? Is it on what you contribute to the economy or is it how you support the local community?

Futures Supplies & Support Services Ltd, an independent distributor of washroom and associated products, can rightly say that it is successful on all the above criteria.

Established just over three years ago in April 1995 by Mandie Kemp, the company now employs 10 people and expects to turnover more than £1,000,000 this year. Mandie started the business from her front room with little more than a vision and the determination to succeed, together with over 10 years experience in the janitorial/washroom industry. 

Futures Supplies has grown steadily over the past three years, turnover at the end of the first 12 months was £85,339, rising to £261,822 at the end of the second and £616,839 last year. Its success is the result of the vision and determination which Mandie started with, combined with her ability to chose the right people and develop their potential and, of course, Mandie’s business acumen and foresight.  Mandie happily acknowledges that Futures Supplies is a team effort and part of that team effort has been the support and advice she received from the Chamber of Commerce and in particular her help with the Chamber’s Training for Work programme.

Nicky Fiander joined Futures Supplies in 1996 on the Training for Work placement working alongside Mandie and her team. Although he did not stay on permanently with Futures Supplies, the experience and confidence he gained opened up further career opportunities for him, which he left to follow. Currently, Daniel Benham is with Futures Supplies on a placement and although it is only early days, all the indications show that he will have a long-term career opportunity with Futures Supplies.

The Futures Supplies’ team has achieved great things such as being awarded IS09002 in 1997, becoming members of the CHSA and last year was awarded Distributor of the Year Award, a national award for service excellence.

Futures Supplies was originally founded to supply City of London based financial and insurance institutions, banks, corporate headquarters and prestigious commercial buildings and now the business also incorporates the whole of the south east of England and includes markedly different types of customers, such as contract cleaning companies and leisure centres.  Its client portfolio includes Lloyds of London and Chase Manhattan Bank.

As independent distributors of washroom, janitorial and associated products, Futures provides the benefit of ‘one-stop’ purchasing.  Mainline washroom dispensers are supplied free on loan and installed by Futures’ own trained fitters. It will source any product customers need providing unbiased advice on the best product for the job. Managing Director, Mandie ensures the company operates good working practices, which includes running her own fleet of three vans to make sure every customer receives the right products at the right time.

Mandie, who is a member of the Institute of Directors, the Sales and Marketing Institute and a council member of the CHSA, also won a place in the finals of the Cosmopolitan ‘Women of Achievement’ this year.  She has the ability to chose the right people and has a very strong team

Futures Supplies is a company to watch!